Software Development Companies Rates in 2023 (Survey results)
Understanding the financial landscape is paramount in an IT industry renowned for its rapid evolution and innovation. As the demand for software development services peaks and troughs, so do the rates companies charge for these services. Whether influenced by technological advancements, global economic shifts, or internal company dynamics, these rates profoundly impact providers and clients., in its commitment to understanding and illuminating the software development industry's intricacies, surveyed software development companies' rates in July 2023. This study meticulously examines the thoughts, perceptions, and anticipations of software development firms regarding their service rates. This report is a beacon of insight, from analyzing historical rate shifts and their ripple effects on client relationships to extrapolating future trends and delineating strategies employed for maintaining market competitiveness. Whether you're a stakeholder in a software firm, a prospective client, or an industry analyst, this report promises a wealth of knowledge tailored for you.
Overview of companies that took part in the survey
Companies size

Most companies that participated in the survey are small businesses with less than 100 employees. There are a smaller number of medium-sized businesses, with 100-999 employees, and a very small number of large businesses, with over 1000 employees.
This chart can be used to help businesses understand the distribution of company size. This information can be useful for businesses when making decisions about their own size and growth.

The survey received responses from companies in 21 countries. The top 5 countries with the most responses were:
- India (14 responses)
- Ukraine (10 responses)
- USA (8 responses)
- Poland (4 responses)
- UK (2 responses)
Other countries with responses included UAE, Greece, Canada, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Croatia, Malaysia, Argentina, Brazil, Spain, Kenya, Nepal, Philippines, Singapore, Lithuania, North Macedonia, Botswana, South Africa, Egypt, Serbia, and Germany.
India had the most responses, followed by Ukraine and the United States. This is likely due to the fact that these countries are a major hub for the technology industry, which may have attracted more software development companies to participate in the survey.
Main target region
A survey conducted by explored the geographic market focus of software companies and identified their top target regions. The results of this survey give an idea of these companies' global distribution of business interests.

North America (86.4%): A dominant portion of the participating companies targets North America, highlighting the region's strong demand for software development services. This prominence could be attributed to the region's technological advancement, its mature IT infrastructure, and a large base of tech-savvy businesses and consumers.
Europe (72.7%): Europe, with its diverse economies and industries, stands as the second-largest target region. The high percentage points towards Europe's tech-forward environment, innovation hubs, and the EU's strong investment in digital transformation.
Middle East (31.8%): An emerging hub for technology, the Middle East attracts almost a third of the surveyed companies. The region presents considerable opportunities with its growing investment in tech infrastructure, smart cities, and digital transformation.
Australia and New Zealand (28.8%): Nearly a third of companies also target Australia and New Zealand, likely influenced by their stable economies, high technological adoption rates, and English-speaking market.
Southeast Asia (21.2%): The ASEAN bloc, with countries like Singapore, Malaysia, and Thailand, has seen rapid digital transformation in recent years. The region's growing tech startup ecosystem might be the attraction for over a fifth of companies.
Latin America (13.6%) & Africa (12.1%): Both regions show potential with a growing tech scene, digital innovations, and a burgeoning middle class. The figures suggest that these markets might still be in the nascent stages of their software development journey but with vast untapped potential.
East Asia (9.1%): While countries like China, Japan, and South Korea are technological giants, only a small fraction of companies target this region. The limited percentage could be due to the region's strong local competition, distinct business culture, or language barriers.
South Asia (6.1%): With tech hubs like India known for their IT services, it's surprising to see a low targeting percentage. However, this could stem from the region's reputation as a provider rather than a consumer of software development services.
Geographic targeting trends clearly lean towards established markets such as North America and Europe, demonstrating their everlasting appeal. However, interest in emerging markets such as the Middle East and Southeast Asia indicates that software companies are expanding their horizons, looking for opportunities outside of traditional technology hubs. The global diversification strategy reflected in these findings highlights the adaptability of the industry and its ever-evolving drive for growth and innovation.
Current price range

The most popular price range is between $30 and $49 per hour, with 36% of companies offering services in this range. The next most popular price range is between $50 and $99 per hour, with 30% of companies offering services in this range. A few companies also offer services in the lower price ranges of $20 to $29 per hour and less than $20 per hour.
The software development industry showcases a diverse price range catering to varying client budgets and needs. The concentration in the mid-range ($30 - $99/hr) indicates a balanced market where most clients can find a match for their requirements and budget constraints. While the number of companies at the extreme ends of the price spectrum is less, they cater to specific market segments, ensuring that clients with diverse complexities and budget capabilities can find a fitting partner.
To make informed decisions, clients and stakeholders should evaluate these rates in conjunction with other factors such as experience, specialization, and past work.
If you are looking for software developers, evaluating these rates in conjunction with other factors such as experience, specialization, and past work is important to make informed decisions.
Here are some additional factors that may affect the price of software development services:
- The type of service: The price of IT and software services can vary depending on the type of service you need. For example, custom software development is typically more expensive than maintenance and support work.
- The experience of the company: Companies with more experience and a better reputation may charge higher rates.
- The company's location: Companies in the United States, UK or Canada tend to charge higher rates than those in India or Eastern Europe.
Here is the price range of companies that are located in the United States, UK and Canada:

Detailed Price Range

Change in rates for the past six months

The chart illustrates the rate changes in software development companies over the past half-year.
Stability in Rates: The majority of the software development companies, constituting 63%, reported no significant change in their rates over the past six months. This indicates a stable market condition where most companies have retained their price points.
Moderate Increase: A quarter of the software companies (24%) have slightly increased their rates. This uptick may suggest a rise in demand for software development services or increasing operational costs that companies are passing on to their clients.
A smaller portion, 7.6%, experienced a substantial increase in their rates. This could be due to specialized services, premium offerings, or a sudden influx of projects that led these companies to command a higher price. This group could also represent companies that might have made significant advancements or innovations, making them stand out in the market.
Minor Decrease: A minority of the software development companies, at 4.5%, reported a slight decrease in their rates. This can be due to competition, trying to penetrate a new market segment, or even a strategy to retain existing clients. It is noteworthy, however, that the percentage is relatively low, emphasizing the overall strength and demand in the software development sector.
Over the past six months, the software development industry has largely shown stability in terms of company rates, with most companies maintaining their existing price structures. While there are pockets of increase in rates, suggesting healthy demand and potential market growth, there is a minimal decrease. This is indicative of an industry that is robust and potentially on an upward trajectory. However, companies and clients alike should keep a close eye on these trends as they can impact budgeting, investment decisions, and overall market strategies.
Rates in 2022

The market rates for software development services over the last six months

The chart depicts the general trend in how market rates for software development services have evolved in the past half-year.
Substantial Increases: The market saw a notable 18.2% of rates significantly increasing. This could be a reflection of a rising demand, technological advancements requiring specialized skills, or increasing operational costs.
Moderate Uptrend: The industry suggests a healthy growth pattern with 30.3% of the rates having slightly increased. It indicates that many service providers are feeling confident to incrementally adjust their rates upwards.
Stability: A majority chunk, 31.8%, reveals rates that remained more or less constant. It signifies that while parts of the industry are witnessing fluctuations, a substantial segment is enjoying stability.
Moderate Downtrend: The rates that slightly decreased account for another 18.2%, mirroring the segment that saw significant increases. These decreases could be due to competitive pressures, economic factors, or strategic adjustments to gain or retain market share.
Substantial Decreases: A small 1.5% experienced a significant rate drop. This could result from companies facing challenges, needing to liquidate quickly, or perhaps targeting a different market segment.
Comparison with Previous Data on Individual Company Rate Changes
While the previous data revealed 63% of individual companies saying their rates remained unchanged, the current general market trend reports a smaller 31.8%. This indicates that while many companies held their rates stable, the broader market perception is of more dynamism, possibly due to the vocal nature of companies that did experience changes.
The earlier data had 24% of companies slightly increasing their rates, whereas the general market saw a larger 30.3% in this segment. This may suggest that while individual firms were conservative in their assessment, the collective industry sentiment leans more towards a bullish rate increase.
In terms of significant rate increases, the general market data at 18.2% is considerably higher than the individual company data at 7.6%. This disparity might be due to some companies underestimating their rate hikes in comparison to the industry or the larger firms having a more significant influence on the overall market perception.
Both datasets show minimal rates of significant decrease, but the general market's 1.5% is slightly lower than individual company data at 4.5% for slight decreases.
The software development industry, when viewed from the lens of individual companies versus general market trends, reveals fascinating insights. While many companies believe they've maintained stable rates, the broader market reflects more significant upward and downward shifts. It underscores the importance of understanding both micro and macro perspectives when analyzing industry trends.
How do companies compare their current rates to the average market rates?

The chart delineates how various companies perceive their current pricing relative to the average market rates for software development services.
Significantly Above Average (1.5%): A minute segment believes their rates are markedly above the market's norm. These companies might cater to niche markets, offer specialized services, or possess unparalleled expertise.
Marginally Above Average (16.7%): Those slightly above the mean suggest confidence in their services' value proposition. This could be due to factors like brand reputation, superior quality, or a unique selling proposition that distinguishes them.
At Par with the Average (47%): The majority, nearly half, perceive their rates as aligning with the market standard. This signifies a balanced market where most players clearly understand the prevailing pricing benchmarks.
Marginally Below Average (22.7%): Companies pricing themselves slightly below the norm might be employing competitive pricing strategies, possibly to penetrate the market, retain clients, or expand their customer base.
Significantly Below Average (12.1%): A notable segment feels their rates are considerably below the market average. This could be strategic, targeting volume over margin, or it might hint at potential undervaluation or a need for internal review.
Comparison with Previous Data on Perceived Market Rate Changes:
In the earlier dataset, 48.5% (combining the "slightly" and "significantly" categories) felt that the market rates had increased. Yet, only 18.2% of companies currently believe their rates are above the market average. This disconnect might imply that while many recognize the market rates are rising, they have been slower or more conservative in adjusting their rates accordingly.
Conversely, the earlier data showed 19.7%, indicating a decrease in market rates (again, combining the "slightly" and "significantly" categories). However, a combined 34.8% of companies now perceive their rates to be below the average. This suggests some companies might be underpricing their services, or they might have opted for a deliberate competitive pricing strategy in response to perceived market fluctuations.
The stability perception remains relatively consistent, with the previous data showing 31.8% believing market rates remained the same and the current data indicating 47% feeling their rates align with the market average.
Companies' self-assessment of their rates versus the market average offers crucial insights into their pricing strategies and self-value perception. While many acknowledge market rate changes, there seems to be a time lag or strategic hesitance in mirroring these shifts in their pricing. This dichotomy emphasizes the complexity of rate-setting in the software development industry, influenced by both external market conditions and internal company strategies and valuations.
Key factors influencing the changes in software development rates

The chart provides insights into the primary determinants affecting the rate adjustments in software development companies.
Developers' Salary Range (64%): The leading factor affecting rate changes is the fluctuating salary ranges of developers. As software development requires skilled professionals, any increment in their pay scale directly impacts the rates a company offers. This is indicative of a competitive market for talent.
Market Demand for Software Development (59%): Close behind, the market demand is a significant influencer. A surge in demand can allow companies to command higher rates, while a drop may compel competitive pricing or promotional offers.
Global Economic Situation (53%): Economic stability and growth foster investment in IT projects, while downturns or uncertainties may cause hesitancy. Over half the companies acknowledge the influence of global economic conditions on their pricing decisions.
Company's Operational Costs (42%): As with any business, if the operational costs, such as rent, utilities, and administration, rise, there's often a direct trickle-down effect on the rates.
Development Team Expertise (38%): A well-versed team with a proven track record or niche skills can command premium rates. As companies invest in training and upskilling their teams, it can lead to a re-evaluation of their pricing structures.
New Technology and Tool Costs (29%): The software industry is ever-evolving. Implementing new technologies or tools often comes with additional costs in acquisition and training. Although not the most prominent, this factor is still noteworthy in the rate-adjustment equation.
Uncertainty (2%): A small segment of companies is unsure about the driving factors behind their rate changes, suggesting either multiple concurrent influences or perhaps a lack of strategic insight into their pricing decisions.
The software development industry operates in a dynamic environment where talent acquisition and market demand play dominant roles in rate determination. Global economic conditions, often outside a company's direct control, also significantly sway pricing decisions. As technology continues to evolve and the demand for specialized skills rises, companies must be adept at understanding and adjusting to these myriad factors to remain competitive and sustainable.
Measures taken by the companies to stay competitive in the face of changing rates.
The chart presents various strategies and actions companies have employed to maintain their competitiveness given the fluctuations in market rates.

Improving Productivity (77%): The majority of companies, at 77%, have chosen to refine their internal processes. By enhancing efficiency and productivity, these companies can deliver better value and maintain profitability even without increasing rates.
Efficient Tools Investment (50%): Half the respondents believe in the power of modern tools to bring about efficiency. By investing in state-of-the-art software development tools, they aim to streamline operations, reduce project timelines, and offer competitive rates.
Offering More for the Same (44%): Another substantial portion, at 44%, has chosen to add more value to their offerings. By integrating additional services at the same price, they can appeal to a broader customer base and ensure client retention.
Hiring More Developers (33%): One-third of the companies believe that expanding their team is the way forward. With more hands on deck, they can manage larger projects, reduce delivery times, or diversify their expertise.
Competitive Pricing (29%): A significant 29% of respondents have opted for the direct approach by reducing their rates. This strategy is a clear attempt to attract price-sensitive clients and stay competitive in a market that's becoming increasingly cost-conscious.
Negotiation Strategy (8%): A smaller segment, at 8%, hasn't reduced rates upfront but is more receptive to negotiation. This flexible approach allows them to tailor their offerings based on specific client needs and budget constraints.
Status Quo (15%): For 15% of companies, staying the course is their chosen path. They believe in their current operations and pricing structures and feel no immediate need for change.
Already Competitive (2%): A confident 2% believe that their rates are already in line with market standards. They do not need adjustments and continue to bank on their existing value proposition.
The software development industry is inherently dynamic, with companies constantly navigating evolving market demands, technological advancements, and competition. Companies have employed a mix of strategies to stay competitive amidst changing rates, from internal process optimization to direct pricing adjustments. The wide variety of responses underscores the fact that there's no one-size-fits-all solution; instead, each company tailors its approach based on its strengths, market position, and long-term vision.
Have changes in the pace of software development affected their relationship with customers
The chart elucidates the influence of software development rate changes on the relationships companies have with their clients.

Positive Impact on Relationships (18.2%): A notable 18.2% of companies report that their client relationships have enhanced due to their competitive rates. These firms may have strategically adjusted their prices or added value in a way that resonates with their clientele.
Client Concerns (13.6%): On the other hand, 13.6% have had clients voice concerns regarding the adjustments. This feedback suggests that some clients are price-sensitive or feel that the value proposition has shifted unfavorably.
Neutral Impact (62.1%): A commanding majority, at 62.1%, indicate that their rate changes have not notably affected client relationships. This could imply a variety of scenarios:
- The changes were minimal.
- The value delivered remained consistent.
- Clients had anticipated and accepted these rate shifts.
Loss of Clients (3%): A smaller segment, 3% of companies, acknowledges losing some clients due to their rate changes. This underscores the delicate balance firms must maintain when altering pricing structures, ensuring they don't alienate their existing clientele.
New Client Acquisition (0%): Interestingly, none of the companies reported gaining new clients solely due to their competitive rates. While pricing can be a factor, it emphasizes that other elements, such as quality, reputation, and services offered, play crucial roles in client acquisition.
Adjusting rates in the software development industry can be a double-edged sword. While some firms see improvements in client relations, others face concerns or even client attrition. The sizable segment reporting no change indicates that many clients prioritize value, service consistency, and the overall relationship over mere rate changes. However, the absence of companies gaining clients solely due to competitive rates reiterates that in the intricate dance of client relations, the rate is just one of the many tunes playing.
Changes in quality
The chart explores companies' perceptions of how shifts in software development rates might have influenced the overall quality of services in the industry.

Improved Quality (21.2%): A significant 21.2% of companies perceive an uptick in the overall service quality. This suggests that as rates have changed, either due to increased revenue, investment in better tools, or a focus on delivering superior value, certain companies have enhanced their service offerings.
Decline in Quality (13.6%): Conversely, 13.6% observe a downturn in the overall service quality. If not managed strategically, rate reductions can sometimes compromise service quality due to cost-cutting measures.
Stable Quality (54.5%): The majority, at 54.5%, believes that despite rate fluctuations, the overall service quality in the industry remains consistent. This indicates that many firms prioritize maintaining a standard of quality, even if it means adjusting other business components to accommodate rate changes.
Increased Variability (4.5%): A smaller segment feels that quality consistency has been impacted, with 4.5% stating that there's now a wider variability in the quality of services. This can be attributed to the diversification of service providers, where some might offer premium services at higher rates, while others might cut corners to offer lower rates.
Altered Service Range (4.5%): Another 4.5% haven't seen a direct change in quality but have noticed an evolution in the range of services provided. This implies that some companies are pivoting or diversifying their offerings in response to market demands and rate adjustments.
Uncertainty (1.5%): A nominal 1.5% are uncertain or haven't observed any particular trend. This group might be less affected by market dynamics, or they might not have the mechanisms in place to gauge industry-wide quality changes.
Rate changes in the software development industry can exert various impacts, and quality of service is no exception. While some correlate increased rates with enhanced quality and vice versa, a large chunk perceives stability in quality regardless of rate fluctuations. The industry's resilience and commitment to delivering value are evident, but the presence of divergent experiences underscores the need for businesses and clients to carefully navigate their choices in this evolving landscape.
Companies predictions
The chart outlines companies' forecasts concerning how rates for software development might shift in the upcoming six months.

Significant Increase Predicted (10.6%): A fraction, 10.6% of companies, anticipate a marked hike in rates. These firms might be foreseeing increased demand, heightened operational costs, or general industry upswings as contributing factors.
Slight Increase Predicted (39.4%): The majority, almost 40% of companies, foresee a modest rise in the rates. Coupled with the previous group, this brings to light a predominant sentiment that rates are likely on an upward trajectory.
Stable Rates Predicted (37.9%): A comparable segment, 37.9%, believes the industry will witness stability in rates. These firms perhaps view the market as having reached a state of equilibrium after previous fluctuations.
Slight Decrease Predicted (7.6%): A smaller portion, 7.6%, expects a mild reduction in rates. This could be attributed to their anticipation of increased competition or technological advancements that might streamline costs.
Significant Decrease Predicted (4.5%): Lastly, 4.5% of firms predict a pronounced dip in the rates. This subset might be foreseeing industry-wide challenges, economic downturns, or shifts in client spending habits.
Comparison with previous answers about how the market rates for software development services changed in general over the last six months.
In the last six months, the perceived rate change data indicated:
- Significant increase: 18.2%
- Slight increase: 30.3%
- Remained the same: 31.8%
- Slight decrease: 18.2%
- Significant decrease: 1.5%
Comparatively, the recent data trends and the predicted ones show a certain alignment but with a few notable differences:
- While the prior data witnessed a higher percentage of companies (18.2%) observing a significant increase, only 10.6% foresee such a trend continuing.
- The anticipation of slight increases remains robust, with 39.4% predicting a slight upswing compared to the previous 30.3% who observed such a trend.
- The sentiment for rate stability is consistent, with around a third of companies in both datasets expecting or observing unchanged rates.
- Interestingly, the upcoming predictions have fewer firms expecting significant decreases, contrasting the 18.2% who previously saw slight decreases.
The software development industry appears to be in a state of cautious optimism, with many companies predicting modest rate increases while a significant portion expects stability. Compared with recent trends, it seems the industry is moving towards a more consolidated sentiment, with fewer expecting drastic changes. Nevertheless, the presence of both upswing and downswing predictions underlines the industry's dynamic nature, necessitating vigilance and adaptability for both service providers and clients.
Summary's comprehensive study of the cost of software development in 2023 has come up with many findings reflecting the dynamics of this ever-evolving industry. The landscape of software development pricing is intricate and influenced by myriad factors, each playing its part in shaping the fiscal future of the sector.
Key Findings:
- Historical Perspective: Over the past six months, a significant number of companies observed increases in rates, pointing to a potential upward trend in the industry. However, the majority felt that rates remained relatively stable.
- Rate Predictions: Looking ahead, companies mostly predict that rate hikes will continue, albeit at a more moderate pace, which indicates cautious optimism.
- Factors Influencing Rates: Key factors influencing rate changes include market demand dynamics, changes in developer salaries, and changes in the global economic situation. Technology costs and the company's internal operating costs also played a prominent role.
- Competitive Measures: Many companies have chosen proactive strategies in the face of changing rates. These range from enhancing internal processes for better productivity to diversifying service offerings without additional charges. However, a few remain confident in their existing competitive edge.
- Client Relationships: The link between rate changes and customer relationships is strong. While many companies haven't seen a significant impact, some have improved connections thanks to competitive rates, while others have experienced problems or even churn.
- Quality of Services: The survey showed that rate changes do not necessarily correlate with service quality. Most believed that the quality of service remained stable, although some believed either in improvement or decline.
- Market Positioning: Companies, in general, felt their rates were in line with market averages, though a small fraction believed they were positioned significantly below the norm.
In essence, the software development industry is in an interesting phase. As the company faces internal and external challenges, its commitment to value creation remains unchanged. The 2023 survey highlights the agility, resilience, and forward-thinking of companies in the sector. As we move forward, these insights will no doubt serve as key reference points for industry stakeholders, guiding decisions and strategies in the coming months and years.
Some of the companies that participated in the survey:
Ideators, BrainerHub Solutions, TeaCode, Timspark, NOI Technologies, Rocketech, Intellisoft software development company