Have you ever wondered which is better for developing websites: PHP or Angular? In particular, those who are new to the sector may find the decision daunting. The most formidable challenge is which of these two well-liked programming languages is best for your project.

Selecting the best technological stack for a project, with PHP and Angular being prominent options, is one of the primary issues in web development. Choosing between PHP and Angular for their web development projects presents challenges for more than 50% of engineers. They may pick PHP versus Angular for a web development project well-informedly by considering aspects like the type of application, scalability, performance, ease of usage, and community support.

The choice between PHP and Angular presented itself to Artem Archipov, a software developer with more than ten years of experience. He has extensively researched both frameworks because he is passionate about web development. Artem once remarked: "Choosing between PHP and Angular could be challenging. You may choose wisely and create an application that meets your specific needs by examining the advantages and disadvantages of each framework.

The advantages and disadvantages of PHP and Angular for web development are discussed in this article. We will examine each framework's attributes, functionality, and scalability to aid in your decision-making. 

  • Pros and cons of PHP and Angular
  • Real-world use cases
  • Performance and scalability
  • Dependency management
  • Ease of use and learning curve
  • Popular frameworks and libraries 
  • Security and maintenance
  • Ecosystem and community support
  • Conclusion
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Pros and cons of PHP and Angular

Weighing the benefits and drawbacks of each is essential when choosing between PHP and Angular for web development. Here, we'll concentrate on the advantages and disadvantages of each technology.



  • Simple to learn: Even for complete beginners, PHP is one of the simplest languages to learn. It features an easy-to-understand syntax and has a minimal learning curve.
  • Large community: PHP has a sizable user base and a vibrant community. Therefore there are a ton of resources online. Developers may readily obtain tutorials, documentation, and support to aid them with their projects.
  • Rapid development is possible because of PHP's abundance of tools and frameworks, which speed up the process. PHP development companies can quickly build robust web applications and prototypes.
  • Compatibility: PHP is a flexible solution for web development projects since it works with practically any operating system and web server. Additionally, databases: MySQL and PostgreSQL are supported.


  • Security concerns: One of PHP's main shortcomings is its tendency to have security problems. The main reason for this is the language's tremendous popularity, which makes it a target for hackers.
  • Functionality restrictions: PHP lacks the capabilities of other programming languages like Python or Java and is primarily designed for server-side scripting. This might limit its ability to be used in some projects.
  • Hard to understand code: Working on complex projects may rapidly make PHP code messy and hard to read. Debugging and maintaining code can be challenging and take a lot of time.



  • Robust functionality: As a framework, Angular works well for web development projects and offers different features. There are an excessive amount of tools and libraries that simplify the development process.
  • High performance: Angular has been performance-optimized and handles complex applications and big data with slow loading, advanced compilation, and performance features.
  • Strong community: Developers easily get assistance, resources, and tutorials in Angular's huge and active community. 
  • Better code structure: The rigorous code organization imposed by Angular makes code easier to comprehend, maintain, and debug. Most Angular development companies employ Angular in large-scale projects.


  • Steep learning curve: For novices, angular might be tough to grasp. It requires a solid grasp of TypeScript as well as core web development ideas, which might be tough to learn.
  • Limited backward compatibility: Angular is continually changing, which may render previous framework versions inoperable. This might be difficult for developers that need to keep older programs running.
  • Bloated apps: Because Angular generates so much code, specific applications may become bloated and take a long time to load. However, this can be reduced by using slow loading or reducing the code.
  • Although Angular mainly relies on dependency injection, some developers may find it perplexing. It may be difficult to execute effectively and requires knowledge of architecture and its implementation.

Real-world use cases

Both PHP and Angular have numerous practical applications, each with benefits and drawbacks.

PHP use cases include:

  • Content management systems (CMS) WordPress, Drupal, and Joomla
  • eCommerce systems like OpenCart, WooCommerce, and Magento
  • Websites like Wikipedia, Slack, and Facebook.

Angular use cases include:

  • Dynamic single-page applications (SPAs)
  • Hybrid mobile apps for Android and iOS using NativeScript and Ionic
  • Intricate commercial apps and complicated user interfaces. For instance, Google AdWords, the business's advertising platform, was developed using Angular.

Real-world use cases entail deciding between PHP and Angular depending on a range of factors, including the project's complexity, the type of application being created, the need for scalability and performance, and the availability of resources.

When is PHP the best choice? 

If the project asks for a plain website or blog development, PHP may be the best solution due to its ease of use and the availability of numerous CMS choices. However, due to its ability to handle difficult user interfaces and scalability requirements, Angular can be the best choice if the project asks to create a complicated web application or a SPA.

When do you need Angular?

If the project asks to create a mobile app, Angular would be a better option because it supports hybrid mobile app development utilizing technologies like Ionic and NativeScript. On the other hand, if the project involves developing an e-commerce platform, PHP may be the best choice because several e-commerce systems, such as Magento and OpenCart, have been developed using the language.

Finally, both PHP and Angular have a wide range of applications in the actual world. The project's unique requirements will determine which of the two strategies is best. Each strategy has advantages and disadvantages.

Performance and scalability

Angular outperforms PHP in terms of performance and scalability. Since Angular is designed to be swift and effective, it is a great choice for high-performance apps. Additionally, it has built-in speed enhancement features, including lazy loading and Ahead of Time (AOT) compilation.

However, PHP may occasionally become slow, particularly when handling large data sets or high traffic. Data caching and employing a PHP accelerator are two other ways to improve PHP speed.

Angular is designed to manage massive web applications since it is scalable from a scalability perspective. Angular and PHP could both be scalable, but equally optimizing them might be more challenging.

Regarding performance and efficiency, Angular frequently exceeds PHP in benchmarks and analytics. But specific performance indicators will vary based on the application and usage scenario. It's crucial to thoroughly assess the requirements of your application before choosing the solution that best suits them.

Dependency management: PHP VS Angular

Developers must grasp dependency management to effectively manage and incorporate external libraries, modules, and packages into their systems. The well-known PHP program Composer and the well-liked npm (Node Package Manager) package manager for Angular, which is based on Node.js, have their own methods for handling dependencies.

Composer, a prominent dependency management tool for PHP, enables developers to create, oversee, and install third-party libraries and packages for their PHP applications. The Composer identifies the project's dependencies and versions using a composer.json file, and the Composer automatically resolves and installs the required packages and their dependencies. Furthermore, the inclusion and usage of external libraries in PHP applications are made simpler by Composer features like autoloading.

However, Angular is a JavaScript framework that uses npm to handle dependencies. Installing, managing, and distributing JavaScript packages is possible with the help of the Node.js package manager npm. The requirements of an Angular project are often listed in a package.json file, and npm is used to install and manage these dependencies. Versioning, resolving dependencies, and script execution are just a few of the features that npm offers for managing intricate JavaScript applications.

What are the major differences between Composer for PHP and npm for Angular:

  • Language: Composer is made primarily for managing PHP dependencies, whereas Npm is a package manager for JavaScript and Node.js. This indicates that Composer handles PHP libraries and packages, whereas npm maintains JavaScript packages, including those used in Angular applications.
  • Configuration: Composer utilizes a composer.json file to describe the project's dependencies, versions, and other configuration parameters, whereas npm uses a package.json file in Angular projects for comparable purposes. These configuration files have unique syntax and structures since they were made to meet the specifications of the PHP and JavaScript environments.
  • Package Registry: While Composer relies on Packagist as the default package repository for PHP products, npm utilizes the npm registry as the default package registry for JavaScript items. Using the right package managers, these package registries provide significant collections of libraries and packages that are simple to install and maintain.
  • Package Locking: Composer creates a composer.lock file to guarantee that the same versions are utilized in various configurations.lock file containing the installed packages' precise versions and their dependencies. In Angular projects, npm creates a package-lock.json file that serves a similar purpose by recording the precise versions of installed packages and their dependencies to maintain consistency.
  • Ecosystem: Both Composer and npm offer sizable, vibrant communities, as well as copious resources like tutorials, support forums, and documentation. On the other hand, the PHP community has been using Composer for a longer period of time, and the PHP ecosystem contains a sizable number of libraries and packages for a variety of use cases. The Angular and JavaScript ecosystems contain many packages accessible via npm to meet the demands of contemporary web development.

Composer is the most often used dependency management tool for PHP applications, but npm is well-liked for JavaScript and Angular apps. Understanding the fundamental distinctions between Composer and npm, such as language, configuration, package registry, package locking, and ecosystem, may help developers better handle dependencies in their PHP and Angular apps. 

PHP vs Angular: Ease of use and learning curve

Both PHP and Angular offer advantages and disadvantages regarding usability and learning curve. PHP is generally known for being uncomplicated and easy to use, making it a fantastic choice for novices. PHP's extensive library of built-in functions and straightforward syntax allows developers to begin creating web apps immediately. PHP also makes it simple for web developers to create dynamic online applications since it interacts well with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

Contrarily, Angular has a steeper learning curve than PHP. Given that Angular is now a full-fledged framework, web developers must adopt a new way of thinking about web development. For those who are unfamiliar with web programming, this may be challenging. However, Angular is a strong and adaptable framework that can manage complex online applications when it is utilized by developers who comprehend its guiding principles and syntax.

PHP is often utilized in practical applications and use cases, including blogs, e-commerce platforms, and small- to medium-sized websites. One of the most well-liked content management systems (CMS) on the internet, for instance, is WordPress. Customer relationship management systems are one type of specialized online application that is frequently made with PHP.

But you can also develop complex and big web applications with Angular. Using Angular, Google builds its online apps, such as Gmail, Google Drive, and Google Maps. Numerous enterprise-level applications, such as financial and healthcare systems, are made with Angular due to its scalability and resilience.

Popular frameworks and libraries available for PHP and Angular

Several well-liked frameworks and libraries for PHP and Angular help speed up development and improve functionality.

PHP frameworks are:

  1. Laravel: Popular PHP framework Laravel is renowned for its simple syntax and many tools and functionalities. It offers capabilities like routing, ORM (Object-Relational Mapping), template engine, authentication, and caching and supports the Model-View-Controller (MVC) design paradigm. Due to its huge and active community, thorough documentation, and rich ecosystem of third-party packages, Laravel is a well-liked option for PHP web development projects.
  2. Symfony: Symfony is a well-known PHP framework that is renowned for its dependability and adaptability. It has routing, form handling, security, and caching capabilities and adheres to the MVC design pattern. Also included is a set of reusable Symfony parts. Symfony has a sizable user base in enterprise-level applications.
  3. CodeIgniter: It has capabilities like routing, form validation, database abstraction, and caching and was designed following the MVC design paradigm. For smaller projects or projects with tight deadlines, CodeIgniter is frequently used because of its swift speed and minimum configuration requirements.

Angular popular libraries and frameworks are:

  1. Angular Material: Button, form, dialog box, and navigational element pre-designed components are all included in the Angular Material toolkit for Angular UI components. Adhering to Google's Material Design guidelines enables designers to swiftly and effectively develop modern, responsive user experiences.
  2. RxJS: RxJS is a reactive programming toolkit for Angular that enables faster and more efficient interaction with asynchronous data streams, including HTTP requests, user events, and animations. Developers may create clear and concise code for handling asynchronous activities due to the variety of operators available for managing data streams.
  3. NgRx: A Redux-inspired Angular state management framework is NgRx. Maintaining a predictable and centralized application state makes administering and troubleshooting complicated systems easier. NgRx, which offers functionality for managing actions, reducers, and effects, is frequently employed in large-scale Angular applications.

PHP vs Angular: Security and maintenance

The dependability and lifespan of a website or service are directly impacted by security and maintenance, making them important elements in web design. In addition to discussing best practices, this part will look at PHP and Angular security and maintenance challenges.

A server-side programming language with more than 20 years of history is PHP. PHP is not inherently harmful; out-of-date versions and shoddy coding can make security vulnerable. PHP's most prevalent security issues are cross-site scripting (XSS), remote code execution, and SQL injection.

Best practices:

App developers must secure their PHP code:

  • Use prepared statements to prevent SQL injection.
  • Sanitize input to thwart XSS attacks.
  • Keep their PHP versions current in order to reduce these risks.
  • Employ frameworks with security features like CSRF protection.
  • Input validation, like Laravel or Symfony.

Contrarily, the client-side JavaScript app development framework Angular has security features like content security standards (CSP) and sanitization that are pre-built into the framework. In addition to a comprehensive list of security guidelines and best practices, Angular encourages using HTTPS for all communication, avoiding dangerous APIs, input validation, and output encoding.

Cross-site scripting (XSS) attacks can be launched against Angular, nevertheless, if it is not used properly. To combat XSS attacks, developers must use Angular's included sanitization tools and CSP to stop malicious script injection.

Maintenance of websites and applications, which need ongoing updates and support, is another crucial aspect of web development. 

  • Frequent updates are required for PHP to work with the latest server software, security updates, and bug fixes. 
  • For technical debt to be reduced and code to remain manageable, PHP developers must maintain code quality.

New versions of Angular may include new features while removing others since the framework is always evolving. To guarantee that their work is maintained, Angular developers must also uphold code quality, adhere to best practices, and pay attention to suggestions made by the Angular team.

Regardless of the technology employed, security and maintenance are essential components for any website and application in terms of real-world use cases. 

  • PHP-based banking websites must guarantee the security of customer information
  • Angular-based e-commerce website guards against XSS attacks on the checkout page. 

Similar maintenance is necessary for PHP and Angular websites to keep them compliant with the most recent server software and frameworks.

Note: When building websites, PHP and Angular both demand careful consideration of security and maintenance. PHP is more likely to be prone to remote code execution, SQL injection, and XSS threats than Angular is. Both technologies need to be updated and maintained often to ensure compatibility and high-quality code. For websites and apps to be secure and long-lasting, developers must adhere to best practices, employ secure frameworks and libraries, and update their code.

Ecosystem and community support of PHP and Angular

Laravel, Symfony, and CodeIgniter are examples of PHP frameworks and applications. For creating scalable and secure web applications, these frameworks provide programmers with a choice of best practices, tools, and libraries. A sizable open-source PHP community actively supports the development of the language and its tools.

Angular is supported by an ecosystem of programs and frameworks. Google provides various Angular developer resources, such as documentation, tutorials, and sample projects. Programmers may also be helped by several third-party libraries and technologies, including RxJS, NgRx, and Angular Material, in creating Angular apps that are dependable and scalable.

In the learning curve, ecosystem and community support offer benefits they have pros and cons. While Angular is better suited for larger, more complex web applications, PHP is ideal for beginners and small to medium-sized projects. Both languages, however, have strong ecosystems and communities that supply developers with a wide range of knowledge and tools.


This article compares and contrasts Angular vs PHP for web development. We concentrated on its advantages and disadvantages as well as each technology's performance, scalability, usability, learning curve, ecosystem, and community support.

There is no one size fits all solution when deciding between PHP and Angular. It depends on the project's particular requirements, such as the kind of website needed, the desired degree of participation, and the development team's level of experience.

PHP may be a better choice for activities requiring short development cycles and a concentration on server-side scripting. It is compatible with most web servers and databases, has a substantial developer community, and has a large framework environment. For projects needing more complex user interfaces and interactivity, Angular could be a great choice. It has a captivating look, a steep learning curve, and cutting-edge functionality for building dynamic, scalable online apps.

Finally, whether Angular or PHP is chosen will depend on the project specifications. Take a look at the advantages and disadvantages of each technology before making a decision. Developers may choose the best technology for their project and ensure its success by taking these considerations into account.

Artem Arkhipov
Web Expert
Web Expert at Techmagic, full-stack developer, coach and speaker. Passionate about JavaScript, Cloud Computing and Serverless.

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How to Decide Between PHP vs Angular for Your Web Development Project