Top 100+ Android App Developers in 2024

If you are looking for Android app development services or are already at some stage, this ranking list can help you choose the right android development company. Below is our review list of Android developers who can ensure the proper quality of their services.
Last updated: July 2024

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List of the Best Android App Developers


Buyer's guide

The mobile app industry has been gaining traction over the past few years. Based on statistics, mobile app usage has surged to 40%, with over 200 billion hours people spent on apps by April 2020. Thus, entrepreneurs are now looking for ways to penetrate the mobile app market. 

The real challenge is to find the best Android app development company to partner with. Choosing the right Android app developer is not at all straightforward. According to Developers Dev, there will be around 27.7 million software developers across the world by 2023. This makes selecting the best people a bit challenging when the options seem endless. 

Android App Development Process

The following are the different stages of a typical android app development service:

1. Planning

At this stage, the client’s idea for an Android app is evaluated and slowly turned into an actual project. The developer defines use cases and captures functional requirements in detail. 

2. Design

The main objective of the designing stage is to deliver a seamless user experience. The design goal is to create a polished look for the project and ensure users get a satisfactory experience with the app. 

3. Development

The app development process involves several crucial subprocesses, such as defining the app’s technical architecture, selecting a technology stack, and determining the development milestones. 

This process stage may also include technologies including Artificial Intelligence and Augmented Reality. Clients must ensure that their chosen company can design and carry out these technologies. 

In addition, Android app development involves three pivotal parts: back-end technology, Application Programming Interface (API), and front-end technology.

4. Testing

The quality assurance team of the Android app developer will conduct thorough testing to ensure the app is stable, accessible, and safe. The clients are encouraged to provide a number of test cases to ensure the app works according to their needs. 

5. Launch

Once the app has gone through extensive quality assurance testing and has passed the test cases provided by the client, the next step is to launch it. 

As the app is ready for deployment, the client can now submit it to Google Play. To do that, the client must have a developer account with Google Play Store to launch their app. 

6. Maintenance

Your app will go through future upgrades and maintenance, and it might also need a few tweaking to solve any issues that can come up. 

This is why clients must work with a trustworthy Android App Development service to ensure the company commits to providing the best service and after-sales support. 

Android App Development Languages

Here are the different languages used in Android app development. 


Java remains Android's prevailing app development language due to its proven security and stability. The language also supports multi-threading. It is also portable and works excellently for complex projects. 


C++ is widely used as it is a more object-oriented and generic app development language. Many developers utilize this language for cross-platform app development.


Python is an object-oriented development language developers use for high-level programming involving dynamic semantics. It is an easy-to-use development language that comes with a massive open-source community and powerful libraries and frameworks. 

The Benefits of Android App Development

Here are a few reasons why developing an application through Android OS is the best choice for most developers.

1. Easy Marketing

Given Android’s domination in the mobile app industry, people can now effortlessly promote their apps on Google Play Store. Android OS provides businesses and developers with security and promotional advantages. 

2. Effortless Customization

Android is renowned for being a highly versatile platform with exceptional flexibility and customization possibilities. This platform can integrate various types of modifications, be they simple or intricate. 

3. High Returns

Android app development is cost-effective, and most developers make generous profits by creating apps. Not only is the entire Android app development cycle relatively affordable compared to Apple, but it also promises higher returns.

4. Stellar Security

Android takes pride in providing stellar safety and security. It is extremely difficult for malware to penetrate and locate the platform’s data structure.

What To Consider When Selecting an Android App Developer

When selecting the best Android app development company for you, there are several things you need to consider first:

1. Company Portfolio

The clients can look at the various applications the developer have built for their previous clients in their company portfolio. As a potential customer, you can ask your prospective service providers to provide examples of their previous projects. 

2. Client Referrals

Asking for referrals from other businesses or individuals for app developer recommendations is one of the best ways to land on the best Android app development companies. 

3. Company Reputation

Anyone can easily look up any app developer’s track record by researching on the web. People can search the company’s website, scroll through client testimonials and see what people have to say about their service. 

Alternatively, there are other places on the web to check customer reviews for these companies, such as Yelp, Yahoo, and other business directory sites. 

4. Pricing

Before deciding which Android app development service to work with, it is efficient for clients to shop around for prices first. This is to make sure you get the right service for the best price possible. 

5. Support

Excellent customer support ensures the client and service provider has seamless communication throughout the development process and ensures post-launch support. It is ideal for clients to choose companies with multiple support channels such as live chat, phone, and email. 

Key Features to Look For in Android App Developers

Here are important features you should look for in your Android app developer. 

1. App Specializations

The client must know the types of Android applications their chosen developer specializes in. Choosing a developer that has expertise in the app development category similar to the client’s proposed project is one of the keys to a successful project. 

2. Android OS Expertise

In order to make sure the developer is going to deliver the best results is to select one that has proven expertise in developing applications through Android OS. 

3. Average Turnaround Time

The Android app development service agency must be able to provide an approximate turnaround time for their client’s proposed project. 

The turnaround time detail must include the entire process involving the planning, design, development, QA tests, and deployment.

4. After-Sales Support

The top Android app development companies do not stop providing the best support even though the entire project has been finished. Reputable companies continue to provide outstanding customer support post-launch. 

Important Questions to Ask an Android App Developer

Before settling on an Android app developer, there are several important questions you need to ask them first.

What is the plan of action?

The plan of action for developing the Android app must consider the client’s business goals, the objectives of the app, and its target audience. 

How much will this project cost?

To ensure that there will be no problems with financing the app's development, the client must ask the app development agency for an approximate quote of the project's total cost.

What is the development plan?

This question lets the client know the development and quality assurance team better. They will also be made aware of the approximate turnaround time and the expected launch date. 

What is the deployment plant?

The deployment process generally involves the integration of the developed app across various Android mobile devices. The app development company will also help manage the app submission to the Google Play store or any other Android-compatible app store. 

What is the post-launch policy?

Asking the app development team about the post-launch policy is highly important. This will make sure the client gets the right support even after the app has been developed. 

Pros and Cons of Different Android App Development 

Just like with everything else, there are advantages and disadvantages to Android app development. 


1. Uncomplicated App Acceptance

Google Play Store has a straightforward acceptance policy for apps from developers. The platform’s review process is favorable to almost everyone and is not as tedious as Apple’s App Store. 

2. Access to Learning Resources

Google offers Android Dev Training for aspiring developers and professionals who want to learn more about Android app development. The learning kits include a detailed structure, are optimized with graphics and videos, and contain a number of interactive exercises. 

3. Hardware Independence

As android app development is administered on Java, the process can be done in almost all development tools, including Android Studio, Fabric, IntelliJ IDEA, Eclipse, etc. 


1. Decreased Spending Habits of Android Users

Based on statistics, the App store makes up 60% of the total mobile spending, while Google Play only takes up around 30%. This means that Android users typically spend less on mobile apps compared to Apple users. 

2. Copyright issues

As Google has a less strict review policy when it comes to accepting app submissions from its developers, the platform does not run through copyright or patent checks. This means anyone can publish apps with content or existing features in other programs. 

Popular Android App Development Frameworks

Here are some of the most popular frameworks the top Android app development companies use these days. 


Developed in 2017 by Google, Flutter is a UI-based open-source framework renowned for being cross-platform. It is a more popular choice nowadays due to its efficiency and productivity. 

Massive companies, including Google, Alibaba, CapitalOne, eBay, and Tencent, have all used Flutter to develop various mobile applications.


Established in 2015, Ionic has been helping businesses in creating high-performance mobile applications with well-polished designs. This framework offers different kinds of extensions and plugins that help make mobile apps seamless and user-friendly. 

React Native

Developed by Facebook, React Native is by far the dominating framework when it comes to the Android app development sphere. This framework is JavaScript-based and boasts of being a powerful, UI-based, open-source community. 

Tips For Selecting The Right Android App Developer

Here are tips for selecting the Android app developer that suits your company best.

1. Search for recommendations on the web.

Those who are looking for a reliable Android app developer can easily look through the web for client referrals. 

2. Look into the development company’s portfolio.

The app development agency’s portfolio features their previously launched projects. It is a great way for potential clients to check the companies’ best works.

3. Evaluate the companies’ price offers. 

As Android app development service providers are everywhere, clients can shop around and select the best price offerings that suit their budgets. 

Challenges of Android App Development

It’s no walk in the park to develop your Android app. Here are a few challenges that you might encounter during the process.

Device Fragmentation

As hundreds of distinct Android mobile devices are available, many developers struggle with developing apps that work seamlessly across all devices.

Software Fragmentation

Software fragmentation issues come to play when the latest version of an app is incompatible with Android. This is a common issue faced by many Android app developers in the app development stage.

App Visibility

As millions of applications are available on Google Play, many startup developers have a hard time promoting their apps on the platform. 

Copyright and Patent Issues

As Google does not implement strict reviews and control policies for accepting apps, developers face several patent and copyright-related issues. 

How to Find The Best Android App Developer

The following tips will help individuals and businesses find the best Android app development company. 

  • Search the web for a list of the current top-trusted Android application development agencies. 
  • Narrow down the top developers with proven expertise in the specific app development category.
  • Consider the agency with proven pre-launch and after-sales support. 
  • Consider the price and approximate turnaround time. 

Popular Android App Developers has created a comprehensive list of the top Android app development companies to help you choose the best one for your needs. Each company in the above list has been carefully researched and evaluated based on several factors, such as client reviews, portfolio, and market presence, to ensure that you only see the most credible and reliable options. So, whether you're looking for a small startup or a large enterprise, you can find the best Android app development company for your project on

What Makes a Successful Android App Developer

Here are a few tips on how to become a successful Android app developer.

1. Keep up with the trends.

An excellent app developer must be well-familiar with the current market trends and build their ideas around them.

2. Conduct a market study.

Before starting any project, a developer must conduct a thorough market research first and evaluate its profitability potential.

3. Be part of Android app development communities.

Most successful developers learn and gain new ideas from their peers in the community. 

4. Create an impressive portfolio.

Having a notable portfolio allows developers to attract clients by showcasing their best works. 

What to Look For in an Android App Developer

These are the important traits that you need to look for in an Android app developer.

  • Good Reputation. Individuals and businesses who are searching for the right people to hire must always look into each prospect agency’s track record. This is to make sure trustworthiness and excellent work quality. 
  • Convincing Portfolio. Anyone who is looking to hire an Android app developer must go through each service provider’s portfolio first and evaluate their best works. 
  • Impressive Turnaround Times. A reputable app development company must be able to deliver a high-quality output within a reasonable period of time. 
  • Exceptional Support. The company to hire must have a knowledgeable, responsive, and punctual customer support team to adhere to clients’ concerns and queries. 

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is the experience of the top Android app developers?

The best Android app development company offers years of proven experience in creating high-quality and high-performance apps that are safe and secure. The company to choose must also have experience in utilizing different development languages. 

In addition, the app development company must also have exceptional experience in creating projects around the latest market trends. This will allow their clients to come up with in-demand apps with high-profit potential. 

2. What is the cost of hiring a top Android app development company?

This is one of the most difficult questions to answer, as the cost of an Android app development can greatly depend on the features and complexity of the app. Despite that, knowing how much you can expect to pay when you hire ​​Android developers is crucial so you can stay within budget.

Generally speaking, you can expect to pay anything between $5,000 to $25,000 just for a basic app that is developed from scratch. If you already have an existing app that needs to be transferred to Android, the cost will also be lower than if you were starting from scratch.

One of the factors that can affect your cost of Android app development is whether or not you will need to hire an Android developer. If you have the skills yourself, you can save money on development costs. However if you do not have the skills that you need you will need to hire a developer that will add to the overall cost of the project, which means it will be more expensive.

One of the most important things you have to keep in mind is the complexity of your app. If your app requires features that are not common or not as common in other apps, it will most likely cost you more to develop. Also you should know how long does it take to develop an app.

If you are looking to launch your own Android app - it is very important to know and understand the costs involved. Doing some research and planning ahead will help you know exactly how much it will cost and you can keep your expenses under control when creating your mobile Android application. You can also hire an android developer to keep everything up to date.

On the other hand, some Android app developers are more popular and experienced in the industry, and if you want to work with them - it can cost you a whole lot more money compared to if you were working with an agency that was relatively new.

Though there are pros and cons to each type of agency, you need to decide whether expertise or your budget for app development is more important.

3. What processes do top Android app developers use to ensure successful development?

Generally, there are six step-by-step processes involved in Android app development: planning, design, development, testing, launch, and maintenance. These processes are integral for the creation of stable, user-friendly, and dependable Android applications. 

In choosing an Android app development service, individuals and businesses must be made aware of their chosen provider’s action plan for each process. 

4. How long does a top Android app developer take to complete a project?

The turnaround time totally depends on the type of project and the complexity of its functional requirements. It will also vary depending on the framework and development language to be used in the project. Some frameworks and languages can be quite tricky to work with than others. 

Moreover, clients may request some additions and changes in the app, and that can also affect the overall turnaround time of the project. 

5. What methods do top Android app developers use to test the app before its launch?

The quality assurance team of Android app development firms will conduct several review tests to ensure the app works seamlessly before launching it. 

These review tests include the following:

  • Functionality test
  • User-experience test
  • Performance test
  • Device and platform test
  • Safety and security test

The app will also be given to a few testers. This way, the developers can receive first-hand feedback from real mobile users. 

6. What kind of post-launch support do top Android app developers offer?

Here are some of the integral post-launch support provided by top-rated Android app developers.

  • Google Play Store Optimization: The provider helps their clients submit the finished app to Google Play and optimize it for mobile use. 
  • Advertisement: Many providers help their clients with marketing and advertising. 
  • Updates and Patches Support: Reliable app development companies provide stellar support when it comes to updates and patches that may come up later after the app’s launch. 

7. How can I be sure I’m hiring a top Android app developer?

Some businesses and individuals make the mistake of choosing a developer blindly. In order to land the right Android app developer, the clients must take their time to evaluate the development company’s portfolio and track record before signing a deal with them. 

It is also important to consider client referrals and testimonies to ensure good quality output and seamless communication between the Android app development company and the client.  

8. What technologies do top Android app developers use to build apps?

The top Android app development services use the best technologies for the creation of their client’s projects. Essentially, two essential technologies are used in Android app development: the development language and framework. 

Top Android App Development Frameworks:

  • Flutter
  • Ionic
  • React Native

Top Android App Development Languages:

  • Java
  • C++
  • Python

Developers widely use these technologies worldwide due to their wide scope, reliability, and ease of use. 

9. What is the best way to communicate with my top Android app developer?

Communication is extremely important when it comes to hiring an Android app development service provider. Thus, choosing one that offers top-notch support service is pivotal in the hiring process.

The client must be able to reach the service provider in multiple ways, such as via live chat, phone call, or email. If possible, it is more efficient to choose a company that provides all three types of support channels. 

10. How do top Android app developers ensure security for their apps?

The best Android app development companies take pride in creating applications that are not only user-friendly but also safe and secure. 

Here are a few ways they can ensure their clients’ apps are 100% safe against security threats:

  • Implement secure communication with other apps.
  • Enforce strict permissions.
  • Implement network security configuration.
  • Restrict access to sensitive information.
  • Ensure secure data sharing across apps. 
  • Ensure safe data usage and storage.
  • Implement age restrictions if applicable. 


Entrepreneurs and startups who are on the lookout for the best Android app development service should be meticulous enough to select one. This in-depth guide provides the ultimate detailed guidelines on how to select the best Android app development companies to work with.